Dosage forms and concentrations
injectable solution (generic formulation): 1 mg / ml (10 ml single-use vial)
Tablets: 10 mg (Mavenclad)
Hairy cell leukemia
Cladribine (parenteral only): Continuous infusion of 0.09 mg / kg / day IV for 7 days
Dosing Considerations
- Monitor CBC with differential
- Monitor signs/symptoms of neurotoxicity and infection; if infection present, treat as appropriate prior to therapy; if not possible, consider alternative therapy if possible
Recurrent forms of multiple sclerosis
Mavenclad only
- Include relapsing-remitting disease and active secondary progressive disease
- In general, its use is recommended for patients with an inadequate response or who cannot tolerate the indicated alternative drug.
- 2 annual treatment cycles: 1.75 mg / kg / cycle PO; each course divided into 2 treatment cycles; without exceeding the cumulative dose of 3.5 mg / kg (see oral administration)
- Oral dose per cycle by weight in each treatment cycle
- See also Administration for the timing of each cycle and treatment cycle.
- <40 kg: safety and efficacy not established
- 40 kg to <50 kg: first cycle of 40 mg; 40 mg second cycle
- 50 kg to <60 kg: 50 mg first cycle; 50 mg second cycle
- 60 kg to <70 kg: first cycle 60 mg; 60 mg second cycle
- 70 kg to <80 kg: first cycle 70 mg; 70 mg second cycle
- 80 kg to <90 kg: first cycle of 80 mg; 70 mg second cycle
- 90 kg to <100 kg: first cycle of 90 mg; 80 mg second cycle
- 100 kg to <110 kg: first cycle of 100 mg; 90 mg second cycle
- ≥110 kg: first cycle of 100 mg; 100 mg second cycle
- Do not administer> 2 tablets a day; administer 1-2 tablets / day orally for 4-5 consecutive days
Orphan designations
- Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma
- Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
Orphan Sponsor
Ortho Biotech Oncology Research & Development, Unit of J & J Pharmaceutical Research & Dev., LLC; 920 Route 202 South, P.O. Box 300; Raritan, NJ 08869-0602
Other uses
Off-label: cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, AML, CLL, NHL, autoimmune hemolytic anemia, mycosis fungoides, Sezary syndrome